Tesni Homes


In addition to developing our own homes we also have an impressive track record as a highly skilled land promoter for both housing and renewable energy projects.

To speak with a member of our team, please contact us.

Our specialist team of land and planning experts work in partnership with landowners to bring forward land to the market with planning consent.

We lead a trusted network of planning, technical and development advisors. Together, Tesni uses its expertise and financial resources to fund the promotion of your land working in conjunction with Local Authorities own planning strategy.

Here are some of current and past projects that demonstrate our success.

Current Projects



80 acres | Greenfield | c.400 units

Tesni are promoting 80 acres of land north and south of A518 in Muxton with potential for new homes including a policy compliant percentage of affordable housing. The site lies within the administrative area of Telford & Wreckin Council.

A masterplan for mixed use development comprising c.400 units has been designed which will complement the Council’s existing proposals for the wider redevelopment of the A518 corridor.

Tenbury Wells

Tenbury Wells

36 acres | Greenfield | c.130 units

Tesni are promoting 36 acres of land south Terrills Lane, Tenbury Wells with potential for new homes including a policy compliant percentage of affordable housing. The site lies within the administrative area of Tenbury Wells District Council.

Tesni will be working with the District Council to bring this site forward for housing.

Previous Projects



20 acres | Greenfield | 177 units

Tesni secured planning consent for 177 units in January 2017 at appeal and are now in the process of securing a development partner for the site.

One half of the site is listed a Special Protection Area for stone curlews, presenting challenging ecological issues for planning consent. Tesni worked closely with Natural England and the ecology team at the local council to demonstrate how our proposals won’t cause any harm to the birds.



29.6 acres | Greenfield | 215 units

Tesni entered into an agreement with landowners to promote 31-acre site for a residential development through the emerging Local Development Plan. Representations were submitted in respect of the site addressing the key issues that had previously constrained the development alongside a lengthy and detailed community engagement process.

Tesni submitted an outline application in late 2014 which was refused citing the proposals were contrary to the Local Plan. Subsequently, an appeal was lodged and successfully challenged. This required complex negotiations with Highways England, Network Rail, the Environment Agency and the local council to overcome various challenges. Ultimately Tesni were successful in obtaining permission 215 residential units with public open space, neighborhood store and associated engineering and affordable housing.

A development partner to deliver the scheme has been identified and will be commencing works in 2020.



1.85 acres | Greenfield | 20 units

Tesni entered into an agreement with landowners to promote the 1.85 acre site for residential development in 2014. The site falls in the northern part of Davenham Conservation Area. Considerable care and effort was put into the design process that resulted in a sympathetic scheme of 20 units being delivered. Tesni worked collaboratively with local stakeholders throughout the whole process to ensure integrated with the immediate surroundings and met the needs of the local community.

The site was sold October 2016.